I felt that was a more suitable title for this blog post! I haven't forgotten this blog but sadly running a commerical site and holding down a normal job and life takes it toll! that leaves me little time to update as much as i like.
To make it up to you i would like to show off new projects that are under development as we speak. All of these projects are thanks to you the members joining and staying with the site. Please don't think i take for granted the members of my small humble site.
First off Amorim 2nd Vixen project Called Vixen Hard Times! I won't say any more then that but it fun and will have lots of tied up babes!
Next Loz and liked the last Karyn Strongblood story we decided to get together and write another one. It in development on the drawing board as we speak!

Last point New artist is joining us at Adventure Bound Comix's he one of the best poser artists artdude41 he at deviant he amazing artist and lucky to get him. Please see one pinup below class i think yes.