Monday, 29 April 2013

Monday Update at the site

Hi Folks

We added 6 pages of Rose & Crown finishing that adventure for your enjoyment. It good ending we don't think you'll see this ending coming i promise you. See below free pic as the girls get to the bottom of it! Hehehe :)

Plus Bonus art pinup plus five pinups by 3dStone for amusement and pleasure.

To those folks who complained (and rightly) about not being able to access the site i intend to get this problem fixed this week as speak. So please bare with us it will be sorted.

Next week we will reach 2,000 comic pages on the site so look forward to a special update!


Bob Wood

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Good news!!!

Yes Folks

The site back up and running and the error has been repaired. So please access the site you can see the comics and the art for your enjoyment.

Well what ever went wrong it been sorted and won't happen again. Of course some other mistake will occur.


Bob Wood

Tuesday, 23 April 2013



If your trying to log on to the site it down! not my fault these things happen! the IT geeks are aware and will fix the problem ASAP. Please folks bare with us while we resume transmission.

Sorry for the problem but for once it your ccbill password playing up. Will let you know when it up and running.

Bob Wood

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Early Update this week!

Hi Guys

Instead of Monday usual update I've posted it today on Sunday. You got another exciting five pages of Apoc World The Betrayal. No the girls are Captives of Mistress Black what will happen next? Also the plot thickens in Honey B Amazon Nation Saga as the girls try and stop the Nation from destroying a military base.

Also we have a winner Tom who entry for Vixen story was the best i read it will be commissioned. Due to family issues i will not be available for a few days. We are not ignoring you but Family comes first. So if you e-mail regards to the site don't be surprised if you don't get a reply straight away


Bob Wood

Monday, 15 April 2013

This week update...

Hi Everyone

Thank you for patience with the ccbill passwords at present most members have reported that there passwords are working. There only three members who appear not to be able to access the site. We are working on that and hope to have solution by the end of the week.

On another important note this week up. We got Five pages Apoc World The betrayal plus some exclusive five pinups by Yacermino for the site we know you like of Irina and Duchess. Plus i visited Yacermino and got some great new art i can't wait to scan in and post on the site for you.

Will announce the winner of the writing competition tomorrow. But guys there were some great entries and good efforts by members. I promise i will declare a winner tomorrow. I need to finish reading a couple of more stories to make my mind up.


Bob Wood

Monday, 8 April 2013

Monday Update 08.04.2013

Hi guys hope everyone fine and well. This week update is a good one we promise. We got six new pages of Honey B The Amazon Nation as we find out the fate of Kat i promise you it good story arc, also we've got another four pages of Apoc World The Betrayal as we find out what Electra really plan is. To make it up to members the debacle we had with passwords. We added extra three colour pinups by Loz in the pinup gallery as our of saying thanking for your patience and understanding and more importantly for not cancelling membership.

Please folks if any one experiencing problems with their ccbill password then e-mail at

When you e-mail me please included last e-mail from ccbill re-billing so I can quickly see that you're a member and issue you with password. One person has already tired to take advantage of this situation claiming he was current member. When I checked ccbill database I found his membership expired a year ago. So free password for him :( Bad boy!

That said I hope to have the problem resolved by this week in fairness to ccbill they been working hard on fixing this problem. So i will update you accordingly on that front.

Included a couple of previews of what coming and what posted on the site today.


Also we extending the writing story competition by extra week because of the password problem. Winner will be announced next Monday! So if you have a story send it in!

Bob Wood

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Important Notice...

 Hi Guys

I've been made aware by some members that ccbill passwords have not been working for you. For those members who have experienced this problem. I have spoken to ccbill today who checked their systems they state there no problems and that all passwords should work.

For those experiencing this problem please first log into the site and try the ccbill password again. If it works then please e-mail and let me know it solved. For those folks who password does not work still then please e-mail here at a new e-mail address setup for member enquiries as the old e-mail address had bad habit of putting members e-mails into spam folder. So please use this e-mail address for Adventure Bound Comix's enquiries:

Also folks if you have a story you not submitted yet for the competition we running then please send them to the above e-mail address.

More art and updates to follow we promise!


Bob Wood!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Monday Special Update 01.04.2013

Happy Easter Everyone

As a part of the site continuing efforts to give members an occasional freebie. We posting an 15 page update this week for you instead of the usual 10 page one. The extra 5 pages are on us! So first off we got 8 pages of Blood Diamond and she and Det Jones both fight to defeat Trisha X and her Hench women. This completes this story but we already got a longer story in development for Blood Diamond i promise you.


Not only that but 7 pages of Duchess Von Dominax, also completing that story as well. As the action get hot with lots of bound women. Also are writing competition is soon going to draw to close so guys if you have a story you like to see commissioned start sending your ideas in. Otherwise they will never get made!


More to look forward to next week with more pages from Honey B Amazon Nation Saga what will happen to Kat you may wonder? plus we got some pages and ideas in the pipeline for Vixen and new story books  with fresh characters.

Also you may noticed this week update included a couple of preview panels. For members and non-members alike we going to start posting on more regular basis a preview panel or panels. So for non-members I hope you consider joining because there alot more art like that.


Bob Wood