Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Buck Rogers Missed opportunity!

Hi I thought i track down the only close scene Erin Gray had in the whole of the Buck Rogers series. It a great premises and would worked perfectly but hey some writer thought differently instead of sexy woman in red spandex tied and gagged!

Guys tired to post the video but no joy so here the link to it on youtube watch and enjoy.

More art tomorrow night!

Bob Wood!

1 comment:

  1. Talk about a perfect opportunity missed! I watched that show back in the 80's waiting for the day Wilma got tied up only to be left disappointed., The up-shot was that I created my own site to make up for it :0) which leads me to ask if anydody knows if the Wilma Deering Spandex top is available. I've got the pants, just need the top to do a shoot.
    Dave Simpson.
