Happy Easter everyone
As it Easter time we thought we do a special Site watch for
you. Two of the great website on comics anywhere on the Internet and both are free.
http://sleepycomics.com/ 1st is Sleepy Comic which on line archive of comic scenes of
damsels in distressed alot of the time getting chloroformed and tied up, female fighting scenes. The site is more towards Chloroform scene includes alot of other fetishes.
It includes nearly every kind of fetish scene you can think of in comic. If you can think of the scene in your
youth that you saw in a comic. There a very good chance they'll have that page. If they haven't then it probably means that the scene does
not exist! There that good! Also the site has excellent search engine so if
you wanted to search say Black Widow gets Chloroformed then you only get those
scenes saving you hours of searching.
Here a cross selection of the type of content you'll find on the site.

http://www.comicvine.com/ 2nd site watch which is just as
good a site is Comic Vine. It got forum, articles and character reference pictures
(check Wiki tab button) on every know
comic characters from all various different comic companies. I particular love
their Black Widow and Baroness galleries some of the best pictures and scans of
those characters. It not a bondage site as such but if searched for bondage
scans I'm sure you could find a few. It just excellent comic resource site and well run so if
love comics you love Comic Vine!
Hope you enjoy them over the Easter weekend and look forward to
Monday update at the site. As we finish off a couple of story's and more for
Regards Bob Wood
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